Transportation Company Saves $3.75M Switching to Dell VxRail Adverting Oracle Scare Tactics

Understand how to overcome common Oracle scare tactics and licensing concerns when moving off of Oracle physical servers to Dell VxRail.

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A hardware upgrade almost spoiled by Oracle scare tactics

The Dell sales team was in the midst of a $1.7 million deal. A massive transportation firm wanted to buy Dell VxRail hardware but was being bombarded with scare tactics by Oracle. Oracle wanted to keep the logistics firm on their physical Oracle servers, running Oracle solutions. The new hardware that the logistics firm wanted to run on would be newer, faster, and 30% cheaper than Oracle’s suggested hardware solution.


Oracle licensing complicates the move to VxRail

When our client wanted to refresh the hardware they were using for Oracle workloads, they turned to the team at Dell for new hardware. The Dell team pitched their VxRail systems, an ideal solution for the client’s needs. The logistics firm liked Dell’s product and proposal but was getting a lot of pushback from Oracle about moving to VxRail. The move to VxRail was complicated by the following:

  • Separate business processes due to Oracle licensing practices
  • Complex virtualized environment
  • Accidentally enabled features

Oracle had threatened the transportation company with exorbitant licensing costs if they moved off their Oracle hardware. However, the vendor is basing their talking points on company policy, not on the contractual language itself. Their policies are designed to keep you in place and prevent you from leaving the vendor. A vendor’s policy isn’t enforceable, but contracts are.


Outlining customer Oracle contractual obligations reassures move to VxRail

LicenseFortress team demonstrated to the client how their Oracle licenses would cover them as they moved over to Dell’s VxRail systems. This addressed the majority of the support concerns they expressed. After LicenseFortress outlined the customer’s contractual rights, the client pushed back against Oracle and switched to VxRail. In this case, the transportation client could lower their operational costs and maintain their right to choose what hardware they used.

The Customer Today

Joined the ArxPlatform

Now an ArxSecure customer, the LicenseFortress team developed an effective license position (ELP) that detected $3 million in compliance gaps and optimization opportunities.

Cost Savings

Saved over $3.75 million in hardware costs and compliance gaps

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